Typical Desert

Yuma Desert

Yuma Desert

This what most of of the desert in this area looks like.

It is going to be a hit and miss time for me because we are closing up our winter house and moving everything to the motorhome and traveling to the Pacific Northwest for the summer. We are planning to leave May 6 and take a few days with many photo and geocaching stops.

4 Responses to “Typical Desert”

  1. targo1 Says:

    See you soon:)

  2. sherri Says:

    Sounds a little like the lifestyle of my oldest sister. Always interesting to see the ruggedness of the desert. I like viewing it, but would have a difficult time living there. I like mountains with trees and history….the east coast…Virginia or North Carolina. You didn’t know this was going to change into a wish list did you? 🙂 I do wish you safe travel and enjoyment:-)

  3. Toni Says:

    So are you headed to my neck of the woods, or will you be traveling through the PNW? The desert has a beautiy all it’s own, doesn’t it? Beautiful, indeed.

  4. kittnova Says:

    wonderful photos. can i ask what kind of camera you’re using?

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